Artistic Fit Love! - SOLD!!!

   Did that title have you stumped? It makes a lot of sense to me. One of my Saturday rituals while getting things done around the house, and business-wise, is having the Hallmark channel on. I grew up a bit of a tomboy. I loved four-wheelers, dirt, riding bikes, playing softball in the neighborhood backyard, an army with the neighborhood kids, riding the pony, etc. However, I also had my princess ideals. I loved skirt bottoms short, and that would fill a glorious circle as I twirled around. Most of all, I dreamt of true love. It's no surprise that Hallmark movies fill my mind with those wonderments every weekend. That despite failures in love, I know true love is possible. Fairy tales can come true, and I will never believe otherwise.

    During my weekend ritual of a morning movie love fest, I was reflecting on how truly artistic love is. It's like a painting. So many colors of ourselves that we intermingle with someone else. Are you splashing colors that are bright, and make your painting stand out? Or are you in a relationship that is creating a darker canvas? If so, how can you change that up, and take away the gray tones...add in more saturated bright yellows, oranges, and other happy colors? Sometimes our life has become so toned down that we have to begin a new canvas. If you are reading this, then it's not too late for you to do so. Start it over today, and design a better picture for YOU. Make sure it is with someone who will have as much of an interest in creating a piece of artistic love. One that will leave memories, and be more than amazing on the wall for all to admire, and the two of you to cherish for years to come, and long after you are gone. The only thing that remains behind, are memories which are merely remnants of our hearts.

   Are you wondering why I added fit? Because as important as it is to splash your love across the canvas, it's equally important that it be kept healthy. When we become too sedentary in our love it has a way of becoming lazy. We forget that it must be nurtured in order to continue its growth. We forget to keep it moving along, and it begins to die. Like our bodies, our relationships need to be fed healthy doses of love.

   I urge you to take a look at your life today. If you are looking for your fairy tale love, and happen to run across something promising, or are in the middle of a relationship with promise, remember to keep it artistic, and fit. Fellows, if you want to know what a majority of ladies want in love, watch Hallmark on a Saturday. Ladies, if you want to know what a majority of men want, ask them. If the answer isn't what you want to hear, don't think you can change them...just move on till the right one comes along for you. In the meantime, both of you can still spread some color and healthy doses of laughter in your lives while learning along the way.

  For now, this is enough about love in relationships. I've got to run show my love for my Kentucky Wildcats who are in the final four today, and spread around some blue!!!


Pictured here is a drawing I did of Raelena and her father on her wedding day. This drawing is of course SOLD!! 


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